loissimbach self portrait arts center window display

loissimbach self portrait arts center window display

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Far Away but still Drawing

Hello to anyone and everyone.  My concentration is still on Women's Portraits.
I am now taking a ceramics workshop where I'm painting portraits onto small
vases..Faces on Vases...  the background is colorful textile pattens, and I must
say that they are coming out very very fabulously.. I am pleased with my results.
     Also have continued the couples drawings which are rather comical, but
effective.  And from them I am developing some stories..
     It's been a while and I even forgot and neglected that I had set up this blog.
Happy to find it again.  Busy caregiving my very elderly parents for the last
three years and still counting.   But I must tell you that I am having amazing,
fun and other-worldly dreams of big cities and warehouses with costumes and
parties..It's a delight every night.....  Thank You. lois simbach